1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680
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You’re invited to ring in the New Year with us as we enjoy a Game Night at the building. We will be there by 4:30 pm Saturday, December 31st. We will celebrate the start of the New Year first with Albania at 5 pm central time, then again with Corby, England, at 6 pm. We will wind down our night by celebrating with South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, at 8 pm.
The Morrills will bring chili and some games; please bring a snack or drink to share as we ll as a favorite game or two.
What – New Year’s Eve Game Night
Where – Southside Church of Christ
When – 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm Saturday, December 31st (you can stay later, but we’re going home no later than 9)
Who – Hopefully you
Why – We aren’t sure we can make it to midnight
Please let us know if you plan to attend so we can make an appropriate amount of chili.
In His Service,
Kevin, Allison, Michael, Abigail, and William
Mobile – 402-710-9255 (Kevin); 414-676-2002 (Allison)