1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680
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The Bible tells us to pray for one another, and that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16).  The Caring Ministry invites you to be a faithful part of praying for your brothers and sisters in intercessory prayer.  Join us March 17, after worship services, for Mugs and Muffins.  Our brother Kevin will offer a prayer, followed by muffins and beverages, and a mug exchange. Sign up is on the Caring Ministry bulletin board (the one adorned with hearts).  Bringing a mug to exchange is optional.

This will be about fellowship and sharing but most importantly the reminder to pray for one another.
1. All who wish to participate (men, women, youth) will purchase a mug
2. Skilled bakers will make tasty muffins
3. Participants will write their name, in sharpie, on the bottom of their mug
4. We shall gather to eat, pray, and exchange mugs (likely to be done in an anonymous way)
5. You will go home with a mug and a commitment to pray for the original owner of that mug, throughout the year.