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Prayer Requests 11-27-22

“Prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent, they need only come from a sincere and humble heart.”

Brandon Kowalski asks prayers for him and his family as they grieve the loss of his grandfather who passed away from Covid in 2022.

Patty Young reports that her daughter, Wendy, is going home from the hospital. She is still weak and will have a recovery period and they still request prayers as she recovers.

Chris Miller has been dealing with bad congestion. Patty Young asks prayers for him and Beth.

Sarah Borges requests prayers for her Mom, Laura Holt for complications with reconstructive surgery after breast cancer. Pray also for her to place her hope in God.

Marie Coffey reports that Marshall’s physical therapy for his knees is going alright. Matt’s physical therapy for his ankle is helping him to walk better. Unfortunately the torn tendons are not healing and he will require surgery to repair them. Continue to lift Matt and Marshall in prayer.

Mari Pena’ father in-law Jesus Peña (82 in Mexico) has been having extreme stomach issue on and off for the past year and many other problems since his wife passed away last year. The doctors have told my husband that his intestines are failing and some are already paralyzed. Surgery is very risky at his age and he may suffer more. The family has decided to take him home and may it be God’s will.
Juanita Hernandez was hospitalized Wednesday for issues related to high blood pressure.