1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680

Prayer Requests 09-05-21

“Prayers don’t need to be long or eloquent, they need only come from a sincere and humble heart.”

We welcome Patrick and April Bohman and Rhiley as they take on the ministry of serving the Southside family. Please pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to direct Patrick in his work and to empower all of us to be willing to boldly step forward in faith.

Sandie Copass’ brother, Larry Hinson, passed away Tuesday. Please lift his wife and the family in prayer as they grieve.

Roger Young is on home hospice care. Please continue to pray for Roger, Patty, and their family.

Frank and Sharon Erato ask prayers for Sharon’s upcoming medical tests and on their decisions for how to proceed.

Please hold Dan Nichols in prayer as he fights to overcome alcohol addiction. Pray for help from the Great Councilor that he can become the man that God wants him to be.

Annette Wagner – “Praises for the blessings in our family this year. Our daughter Sheila Wagner got married to Jonathan Karen in South Dakota on June 19th. We also have a new granddaughter born on April 7th, into the Hancock family; Karen, Eric and Leigh. Her name is Robin Jane Hancock.”

Pray for each of us in the Southside family, to be willing to boldly step forward in our faith.

As all the youth resume school, please pray for them and for their parents in these uncertain times.
