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God’s Good and Perfect Gifts – 06-06-21

As the summer begins we also begin a new study James, and 1st & 2nd Peter.  As Ecclesiastes was concluded last week, this Sunday we begin New Testament wisdom in the book of James.  Interestingly, a direct translation of his name from Greek would not be James but Jacob. (Ἰάκωβος Greek, Iakobos Eng. Jacob).  The following link further describes why we call it James and not Jacob (https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-topics/bible-versions-and-translations/james-or-jacob-in-the-bible/). The author of the letter is believed to be the half-brother of Jesus (Mark 6:3).  The Bible Project does a very good job laying out the letter of James.  Check it out this link (https://bibleproject.com/learn/james/).
I encourage you to begin read the whole letter daily (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James+1&version=NIV).
You can listen to the whole letter in less than 16 minutes at the following link which allows options to choose a translation you prefer and the person reading the text (https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/purevoice/niv/Jas.1).
Listen to the sermon: