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God Makes A Way – 08/23/20

Scripture: Deuteronomy 9:1-6

Speaker:  Jeff Hill

As the people of Israel were about to cross the Jordan and take possession of the land of promise, they are told to consecrate themselves i.e. turning the heart to God, in faith and trust in His promise, and in willing obedience to His commandments (Joshua 3:5).  In so doing they would witness and be part of the amazing workings of God.  His commitment is based on his character not His followers.  God’s character and His gracious call into His community is to infuse us with hope and prompt increased co-working toward His cause.  When human faithfulness diminishes and their hope turns away from God, human fate is dire.  Assess your devotion to God.  Are you looking for God’s character to manifest throughout your day as a co-worker for His cause or is your faith crumbling due to earthly desires and self-focused hopes?
Consecrate yourselves, Dedicate yourselves and Prepare yourselves for God to do amazing things among us.

Supplemental Readings: Joshua 5:13 – 6:27, Matthew 22:23-32
