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Be Infectious- 04/19/20

Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16

Speaker:  Jeff Hill

The common Easter proclamation is “He is Risen”.  The response, “He is Risen Indeed”.  What we don’t tend to ask is, “Now what”?  The resurrection is not the end of the story for Jesus or the world.  It is just the beginning of what C.S. Lewis calls the subversion of Satan’s kingdom by the invasion of God’s kingdom.  “Now What”? The healed become heralds spreading news of hope into the lives of sick and broken people.  How many biblical events can you recall that illustrate this foundational truth that God will overcome the world?  Who are the people he uses to accomplish His goal?

Supplemental Reading: The events after the resurrection in the Gospels and the beginning of Acts.

Listen to the sermon:


4-19-20 Outline

4-19-20 PowerPoint
