1933 West Grange Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53221 (Map) | (414) 282-8680

Prayer Requests 08-18-19

Sandra Ferry’s brother, Lewis Morgan, passed away last week. Please pray for Sandra as she travels to Illinois for his funeral and for the family.

Michael Morrill asks for our prayers for his grandpa Bob who has Pancreatic Cancer.

Jim and Lori Nichols asks for prayers for their friend, Jon Olsen, who has Lymphoma.

The Morrill family reminds us to pray for the new families who have been visiting/attending Southside, that they would feel very welcome.

Juanita Hernandez ask for our continued prayers for her family to find unity in Christ and for her pending eye and lung issues.

Lorna Seidner, asks for continued prayers for healing in her mind, soul, and body and for stronger faith.

Joshua Hoeft was in a motorcycle accident July 14 and has serious injuries to his brain. Prayerfully keep him and the rest of his family in thought.
